New Reduced price! EVELINE LIP LINER-12 PINK


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  • Perfect colour with one stroke!

    Lip liner is the professional make-up basis. In a few seconds corrects lips contour giving them proper shape.

    No matter whether your lips are too narrow or too large, Max Intense Colour Lip Liner will give them desired look. Depending on needs, will optically enlarge lips or make them look not so full.

    Max Intense Colour Lip Liner with ideal texture enabling easy application tough enough to quickly and easily contour lips, and at the same time soft enough not to irritate delicate skin around lips.

    Perfect colour with one stroke!

    Lip liner is the professional make-up basis. In a few seconds corrects lips contour giving them proper shape.

    No matter whether your lips are too narrow or too large, Max Intense Colour Lip Liner will give them desired look. Depending on needs, will optically enlarge lips or make them look not so full.

    Max Intense Colour Lip Liner with ideal texture enabling easy application tough enough to quickly and easily contour lips, and at the same time soft enough not to irritate delicate skin around lips.

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