جديد Maxi Color, Eyebrow art

Maxi Color, Eyebrow art


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  • of your beauty arsenal. Eyebrow Art Pencil harmoniously combines everything that every woman wants to get from decorative cosmetics: durability, ease of use, a pleasant texture and a rich shade. 

    The pencil is evenly applied and blends well with a special brush. Thanks to him, you can easily emphasize the line or create a natural finish. Visually, the eyebrows will look more full and thick. With such a tool, your makeup will be impeccable, and the image - luxurious. Thanks to the rich palette, every woman can choose a suitable color for herself. 

    Mode of application:the eyebrows must be combed and marks are applied with a pencil to apply strokes correctly and evenly. Then the hairs are combed with an eyebrow brush and the strokes themselves are applied in the direction of growth of the eyebrows.

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