New Lotus, Bosh Homme, 20ml

Lotus, Bosh Homme, 20ml


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  • Bosh Homme was inspired by a perfume - Hugo Boss Bottled 

    The perfume is reminiscent of  freshness, liberty and self-confidence.Bosh Homme is a timeless fragrance that signifies  freedom and self-confidence ideal for the summer months to emphasize the masculine character.

    Bosh Homme perfume is a combination of citrus woody scent with spicy. In the head of the perfume, it is first characterized by the scent of violet leaves and fresh mint. Subsequently, it turns into a more intense scent of the Heart, which hides a pineapple spiced with cinnamon and softened with rose petals.

    The scent of Bosh Homme's heart fades slowly after 2-3 hours . Subsequently, the very basis of the perfume, made of sandalwood , comes into play , which gently balances the white musk The base of Bosh Homme perfume can last 6 - 16 hours with gradually fading tones of the head and heart (Depending on the skin type)    

    The perfume is designed for daily wear, suitable for all seasons  Created for a free and confident man, whose perfume underlines the masculine character.

    How long can a perfume last?

    It depends on the skin type but usually our personal experience is 14-22 hours. It can be said that this is a whole productive day. 

    With Inspired Lotusparfums perfumes, you will save thousands of crowns and at the same time maintain the quality of your favorite perfume.

    We believe that you will be extremely satisfied with our perfumes, however, it may happen that some scents will not appeal to you. We are the only ones offering the possibility to return the perfume (even unpacked) in case you are not satisfied with the scent, just contact our info line or write to an email and we will handle everything from the refund to transport back to our warehouse for you.

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