New Maxi Health No20-Oxygen Hardener

Maxi Health No20-Oxygen Hardener


New product

The clever enamel works on every level: aldehydes strengthen, vitamin C whitens and has an antioxidant effect, SPA components stimulate and support the natural metabolic and organic processes of the nail plate. Apply a tool for multilevel strengthening on clean nails in one layer.

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  • The clever enamel works on every level: aldehydes strengthen, vitamin C whitens and has an antioxidant effect, SPA components stimulate and support the natural metabolic and organic processes of the nail plate. Apply a tool for multilevel strengthening on clean nails in one layer. Repeat the procedure regularly twice a week and you will become the owner of healthy and strong nails.

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    Maxi Health No20-Oxygen Hardener

    Maxi Health No20-Oxygen Hardener

    The clever enamel works on every level: aldehydes strengthen, vitamin C whitens and has an antioxidant effect, SPA components stimulate and support the natural metabolic and organic processes of the nail plate. Apply a tool for multilevel strengthening on clean nails in one layer.

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